Saturday, July 10, 2010

St. Andrews Marina

Two elderly women were enjoying the weather and checking out the activity caused by the BP employees. I asked them is they lived locally and they said they had lived just up the road all their life.
I also met Sosha the adorable dog and her parnts. They are from Jacksonville, Florida. They are here looking for a job with BP.

Under the previlion were sixteen people with yellow and white vest on also there were some with orange vest that look like life vest. Those with the orange vest carried what looked like waterproof bags that could hold note books or tool sets. I didnt talk to any of them. A man that introduced himself as David Bates came over and asked if we had a local hardware store near. I told him yes we did but when he said he wanted pvc parts I sugested he call Whitehead pluming and have them deliver the parts. I told him that if anyone with him had an I-phone they could get the information for him. He said he was with the BP clean up and that he had a fleet of boats at the mariana. I had to leave because the fumes from incoming boats got to strong. It must be driving BP mad to know that they are paying people to sit and wait. I will be so happy when all this is over.
I talked to a local man that gets his shrimp from the gulf and bay. He is open seven days a week from 8AM to 6PM. I asked him is he had plans for his business incase the oil did hit our area. He said no, he would just close down. He didnt want to thank of that he had heard that they would get it stopped today or tomorrow. His inlaws are in the shrimp business and that is how he got started eleven years ago. He said he will think positively. He worked as we talked and filled orders for shrimp. He talked to his wife while he worked and said we dont know what will happen but we can be positive no matter what.

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